Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance Division

Quality Assurance and the strict maintenance of standards and Approved Arrangements are only part of the responsibilities of the Quality Assurance Manager and his team.

Maintenance of the company’s adherence to AUS-MEAT principles and the company’s HACCP and Quality Assurance programs, as demanded by the major supermarket chains ensure that the high standards we insist on are preserved.

Dedication to excellence is the strong commitment of the quality assurance team.

HACCP Certification

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a practical method of preventing all biological, chemical and physical hazards across all phases of the food handling chain from production, processing, packaging and distribution.

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Meat Standards Australia

Meat Standards Australia is an independent standard to guarantee that MSA graded Beef and Lamb consistently meets consumer expectations regarding flavour, juiciness and tenderness.

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Department of Agriculture Accreditation

This Act governs all aspects of how meat is handled during processing. Each export meat abattoir has a veterinary officer from the Australian Government agency responsible for meat hygiene, safety regulation and certification – to verify that the legislation is being correctly implemented.

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NASAA Organic

Organic food production is founded on the principle of producing food in an environmentally sustainable and socially responsible way, through soil regeneration, water conservation and animal welfare; and minimising the negative known or reasonably possible impacts. Certification practices include:

  • promoting biodiversity by growing a variety of crops
  • preventing soil erosion and improving soil quality
  • conserving energy
  • protecting wildlife, stream banks and watersheds
  • avoiding the use of synthetic or artificially produced pesticides, herbicides, fertilisers or GMOs (genetically modified, transgenic organisms).
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British Retail Consortium Certification

Global recognition and acceptance of food safety standards

The British Retail Consortium (BRC) is the leading trade association for UK retailing. Although the BRC food safety standard began in the UK, it is now recognized as a global standard. There are over 17,000 BRC certified sites worldwide, and a large network of BRC certification bodies in 90 countries.

This standard is recognized as a GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) benchmarked food safety scheme and has been accepted by 8 major international retailers: Carefour, Tesco, ICA, Metro, Migros, Ahold, Walmart and Delhaize.

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National Livestock Identification System

Western Australia has a mandatory livestock ownership, identification and movement system. All livestock owners within WA must be registered and their stock identified in accordance with the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Identification and Movement of Stock and Apiaries) Regulations 2013. Livestock includes pets and commercial animals: cattle, sheep, goats, deer, buffalo, horses, alpaca, llama, vicuna and pigs.

Stock traceability is essential to maintain access to export markets. It allows stock to be traced for disease or residue purposes and deters stock theft.

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True Aussie Beef & Lamb

Australia has been producing beef and lamb for over 200 years. Foundations laid by the beef & lamb industry many years ago, have helped it evolve into the dynamic and progressive entity it is today. The combined integrity of our farmers and packers, along with the advantages of an unspoiled natural environment, has underpinned Australia’s reputation for producing some of the highest quality beef & lamb available.

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Animal Welfare Certification (AAWCS)

Good animal welfare practice is a requirement of customers of the Australian meat and livestock Industry both here in Australia and around the world.

To help meet this expectation the processing industry has developed the ‘Australian Livestock Processing Industry Animal Welfare Certification System’ or ‘AAWCS’.

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AUS-MEAT Accredited

Accredited to ensure an AUS-MEAT approved Quality Management System is implemented to ensure consistency and accuracy in product description.

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