Margaret River Fresh Continuing it’s Global Reach

By 6th May 2019News

News of Western Meat Packers Group exhibition at the recent Food and Hotel Exhibition in Vietnam has been well received.

The event in its 10th year is an international trade fair for food, beverages, hotels, bakery, restaurants, catering and equipment and the WMPG’s Margaret River Fresh brand was front and centre in the exhibition. Chief Executive Andrew Fuda made the decision to showcase Margaret River Fresh produce at the exhibition for a second year based on the fabulous reaction from the last time. According to Andrew “Margaret River Fresh branded beef was leading the way by giving its customers a taste sensation second to none. We’ve always made a point of taking every opportunity to spend time with customers and prospects in all of our export markets.

You can download and read a Farm Weekly article about WMPG at Food Hotel Vietnam by CLICKING HERE.