Western Meat Packers Group – Beefing Up Team

By 7th November 2017News

Recently reported in the news have been some exciting Management acquisitions at WMPG.

As reported by Brendon Cant in the “Cant Comment” section of the Australian Pork Newspaper

“Lui Rinaldi has joined leading beef processor and exporter Western Meat Packers Group after a lifetime in the pork industry at Watsons and Craig Mostyn Group. At WMPG he will work closely with WMPG CEO Andrew Fuda.”

According to Brendon Cant “WMPG is a WA beef processor well worth watching. ” Brendon goes on ” With a street wise and very savvy owner in Rod Russell, a very motivated and astute CEO in Andrew Fuda and now with Lui on board, plus a new GM in Jason Spencer (ex JBS), WMPG is going places, so watch this space.”

Now that is a great testament.